Ikea's concept of creating affordable furniture is simply brilliant, and I think there aren't many households in the Western world that don't own at least one or two Ikea products (I know I do!) But because of the store's popularity it can be difficult to find something at Ikea that is not too basic, but also not something that is too recognizably 'Ikea', and therefore with a bit too much 'college dorm room' feel to it. Luckily, the past few years Ikea has been focusing on designing products that are neither: interesting pieces that are not 'too Ikea', except for their price of course. Below are seven of my favourites. The RANARP work lampThe LAPPLJUNG RUTA geometric cushion coverThe LÖVBACKEN side tableThe ALSEDA stoolThe ALVINE RUTA rugThe STRANDMON wing chairThe RIFFLA basketI plan on buying the STRANDMON chair in navy velvet next month. I love that one, it reminds me of my grandma's chair :P What is your favourite Ikea product?
I now have this spare room in my apartment that I want to turn into my very own (tiny) walk-in closet, but I still can't decide whether I want to go with the whole black/white clean Scandinavian look, or with the more classic, warm and soft style (the room is quite small, only 12' x 6.5', so I don't think it's wise to go with the dark and dramatic look :-P). What do you think? All pictures I found on Pinterest and are part of my 'Wonderful Walk-in Closets' board. If you're looking for some Closet 'Pinspiration' (or just want to look at ridiculously gorgeous closets), don't forget to check it out!
My shoes used to pile up in my hallway, which neither looked tidy, nor benefited their longevity. It was time for a change, my shoes deserved better! My hallway is way too small for a big fancy shoe closet, so I decided to put one in my study, because that room is closest to my front door. I didn't want to spend too much on it though, so I did another (tiny) Ikea hack, giving a good old Billy book case a small facelift.... What I used: 1 white Billy book case $ 59.99 1 white Billy height extension unit $ 20.00 2 white Billy Olsbo doors $ 100.00 2 white small Billy Olsbo doors $ 40.00 6 glass Billy shelves $ 60.00 4 Faglavik door knobs (2 packs) $ 9.98 4 Grundtal spotlights (2 packs) $ 49.98 Total $ 339.95 I am so happy with the result! The case ensures my shoes stay clean and organised and, you know... it just looks pretty darn cool! ;-)
Want to make one as well?This is what you will need: Apart from that you will also need:
How do you make it?![]()
4. Glue the pieces of carpet on the tops of the lack shelves (I used carpet glue for this), and let it dry for at least 24 hours. 5. Attach the Lack shelves to the wall that you want to create the cat tree on (as explained in the enclosed instructions). 6. For extra solidity, attach the long sides of the Ekby Mans brackets at the bottom of the long Lack shelves (and the short sides to the wall, obviously). 7. DONE! And the most important thing of all: Taiyo and Vashti are both very happy with the new shelves and use them a lot!
Hi there! I am a fashion and travel enthusiast living in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Tatiana's Delights is your online resource for preppy and minimalist fashion, travel tips, affordable home decor and adorable cat photos. You can find out more about Tatiana's Delights here.